Services offered

Home & Building Inspection

All buildings are different and all inspections vary as to the time required to perform a thorough and comprehensive inspection and inspection reporting.

JB2 understands this as well as our clients’ need to have a clear and simple understanding of the fee structure for the inspection service. That’s why we “keep it simple”.


If you have any questions about the fees listed below, please feel free to call us.

Property SizeInspection Fees
under 1200ft2$300.00
1201 – 2500ft2$325.00
2501 – 3000ft2$375.00
3001 – 4000ft2$460.00
over 4001ft2add $10.00/additional 100ft2
multiple unitsadd $95.00/unit

Fees are based on total finished square footage including any finished areas of the lower level.

Commercial Mechanical Inspection & Consulting

With more than 35 years’ experience in the construction and mechanical trades industries, and without allegiance to any contractor or equipment manufacturer, you can expect a comprehensive, unbiased perspective of what’s best for your home or building.

Fees are quoted per service requested. Please contact us for details.

Available Services

Residential HVAC Consulting

Shopping for heating and air conditioning replacement systems can be confusing and stressful. Most times you are shopping for estimates under pressure because your existing equipment broke down at the most inopportune time; outside it’s either hot or steamy, or it’s frigidly cold.

Definitely not your best time for evaluating the different contractors, the equipment brand they are selling, the efficiencies they are offering, and the ancillary products they are recommending.

Peace of Mind

Jim Brewster

I know this better than most; I’ve spent 35+ years in the industry, and have spent a good portion of that time selling directly to the building owners and home owners.

As a contractor I was one of the usual 3 to 5 estimates most people get, I was always working to explain why my product, design, installers, company, and pricing was in the best interest of the owner.

What I thought would be immensely helpful to the people in need of these services, was to be an advocate for them. Someone who knew the industry inside & out; someone who was able to cut through all the jargon and fluff; someone without allegiance to any particular contractor or specific brand; someone working directly for the clients.

This is what I do, and my commitment is to you.

Jim Brewster

Jim Brewster, Owner